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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Faded Friends

I Love My Real Women, F_ck The Fake Hoes, I Be Asking God Why He Even Make Those?”

-          ‘Really Tho’ Fabolous

Lately I’ve been losing massive friends, all my “best friends”, “brothers” people who I thought I was really close to are vanishing out of thin air. But for some reason I can’t bring myself to care? I don’t know why but I really just don’t care.

A few days ago me and one of my “besties” got in an argument, here’s how it all started:

My views on making fun of people are:

1.       Don’t make fun of those who can’t defend themselves vocally

2.       Never go more than 5 minutes of making fun of them

3.       Always tell them to their face whether its nicely or mean, LET THEM KNOW

Now do I ALWAYS follow them, not necessarily, but do I try to? YES. But these views make my friends believe that I’m a hypocrite because “I always make fun of people”.  To call me a hypocrite is honestly the WORST insult you can say to me (excluding racial/derogatory terms). And as a FRIEND or a BESTFRIEND I expect you to either shut up or speak up. But she chose to defend the person who called me a hypocrite and I found that very hurtful. So from that day forward I chose not to speak to her anymore. Not only because of this situation but I felt as though I friendship has ran its course and that just happened to be the final straw for me. But she couldn’t let it go. She wanted to make a scene and make me look like a fool!


At my lunch period, these older girls who think they are better than others because they wear name brand were there so I felt the need to vent about it to Facebook. Someone showed her my rants and she basically said I spend all my money on food, which has some truth to it. I do spend my money on food because I love to eat. But I also spend my money on clothes and finer things in life. That night I decided to express my dislike for her by calling her fake because she is. Lets just say she says things about people who she hang out with that she really shouldn’t  J well whatever we exchanged word & I said what I had to say. THAT CHAPTER OF MY LIFE IS CLOSED!

.. However a couple of days ago another one opened. One of my “brothers” from middle school whom I had a crush on since 3rd grade to about 6th grade texted in an angry rage because he heard that me and my best friend Regina was talking about him. Whatever I say to one person is NO ONE ELSES BUSINESS BUT ME AND THAT PERSON I DON’T CARE WHO ITS ABOUT. I have the right to say whatever about whomever as long as what I say is true & whatever me and Regina discusses is pure facts. He was saying thing in a disrespectful way so I had to tell him off! Because of my slick mouth and quick thinking NOW he wants to send people to beat me up (which I know will never happen), I don’t do well with childish threats and that’s how I will always keep it. I’m pretty mature for my age so the last thing I need is DRAMA from IRRELEVANT PEOPLE.

Lesson Learned: Chose Your Friends and CIRCLE WISELY.


Kamilah BJ