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Sunday, August 15, 2010

LGBT ? How “ FREE “ Are We ? Part I

As Kids were told we have to be normal. And Being Normal is this: Ur a girl ur job is to cook, clean, tend to a mans needs, and wear a dress; ur INFERIOR. Normal Boys duties are to get girls, drive cars and play sports ur SUPERIOR. That's what we are fed to believe but what if I am a girl who believes im a boy and I like girls and sports too, but I hate wearing a dress I'd rather wear baggy sweatpants instead. Then what are you? Are you still normal or what? These are one of the many ideas flowing through a teenagers head. Some people think were crazy and its our hormones being out of control or as older folks like to put it "a phase" but in reality its not a phase it's a choice. Some people are born knowing this others are just grown up to feel this. As Americanteens we often question who we are and how we feel. Are sexuality, for most of us, is a mystery.

The current debate is at foot: SHOULD SAME-SEX MARRIAGE BE LEGAL IN THE UNITED STATES? Back to my question, IS FEELING THE SAME SEX NORMAL? Putting a banned on gay marriage is like telling every same sex couple "You not normal" making them feel as if they don't belong because we can't grant them the happiness that every heterosexual couple have. In reality there just like heterosexual couples, they eat sleep work and come home to the ones they love just as any other citizen. I'm proud to say that I've actual lived to see a black president be elected but it would make me even prouder to see an president elected who views same-sex marriage as not a privilege but a right. Who are we to say that two women or two men can't be together? We don't have that right, but I guess this is what it is when your living in a "free nation under god".

FEELING? Invincible and Rebelious
P.S. I'm not HOMOSEXUAL (not that theres anything wrong with that) I'm Happily BiSEXUAL